Tax planning is essential. Paying the right taxes can save businesses time and money. When clients are properly guided through the ever-changing tax laws by our experienced tax professionals, they are able to pay the right taxes and take advantage of available incentives and deductions. At RT&Co we pro-actively work with our clients to efficiently manage their taxes by using both proven and innovative tax strategies.

Our Tax Services

We have helped prominent corporations, family business owners, high-net- worth individuals, and even foreign nationals with their tax needs. We are committed to our clients and have provided highly personalized services through the following:

We advise clients planning to invest in a target company on the possible tax liabilities, tax assets, or tax incentives of the target. At RT&Co, we help ensure that the valuation of the investment includes an adequate reserve for future tax assessments. Companies looking for potential investors or selling their businesses also benefit from a Tax Due Diligence Review by becoming aware of their tax risks and thus be able to plan accordingly.

We check whether clients are paying the right taxes and complying with Philippine tax laws. In so doing, we identify and estimate their potential tax liabilities and provide practical recommendations to address them. We also assist clients in preparing customized tax compliance guides or manuals.

We review and test the internal controls of the tax accounting processes of clients. We let clients know whether or not there are sufficient controls in place to properly monitor and record transactions with tax impact.

We help our clients become tax-efficient. Our recommendations range from simple advice on more tax efficient treatment of revenues and expenses to structural reorganizations that will improve the tax position of a group of companies.

We manage the tax functions of our clients. Our tax professionals can calculate a client’s taxes, and prepare and file the related tax returns as well as prepare reconciliations needed in a tax assessment. As an alternative, our tax professionals are outsourced to clients to provide needed tax services.

When clients have claims for tax refunds or tax assessments filed with the Court of Tax Appeals, we act as the Court commissioned independent CPA and review the many documents required by the Court to be checked. We thereby speed up the processing of any claim for refund or assessment filed with the Court. Alternatively, we help clients in preparing the many documents needed by the BIR or the Court to process a claim for tax refund.

We advise clients on various tax and regulatory matters such as those related to the creation of joint ventures, acquisitions, mergers, other corporate organizations or reorganizations, contracts, financial products, and build-operate-transfer projects. Our services include helping secure tax incentives and assisting in the registration and reporting requirements of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of Trade and Industry, Board of Investments, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Philippine Economic Zone Authority, Clark Development Corporation, Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, Local Governments, etc.

We assist clients in obtaining rulings or opinions from the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Department of Finance, and other government agencies. We help clients with their tax assessments and administrative claims for tax refunds or tax credits from the national and local governments.

Our tax professionals help prospective investors identify tax-effective vehicles or structures for Philippine inbound and outbound investments. We also assist in the related registration requirements, such as those of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and Securities Exchange Commission. We help develop or review financial models for the tax implications of different options in an investment.

We prepare detailed studies on specific tax issues affecting a client’s operations or industry. These studies are often used in advocating a certain tax position with various government regulatory offices.

We help clients assess whether their existing inter-company pricing policies comply with tax laws in the Philippines as well as in different taxing jurisdictions, while addressing the risk of double taxation. We also provide advice on how tax treaties can be effectively used for offshore transactions. We also assist clients in filing their application for tax treaty relief with the BIR.

Our seminars range from providing a basic understanding of the Philippine tax system to detailed discussions of specific taxes to handling tax assessments and refunds. Topics such as how each tax is computed, reporting requirements, issues to watch out for as well as the latest pronouncements of various tax agencies are covered.

We help clients plan for the future through tax planning for wealth transfers. We not only discuss the donor’s or estate tax impact of such transfers, but we also offer tax advice on creating trusts and other tax-efficient vehicles.

We help clients prepare for audits by the Bureau of Customs by providing Post-Entry Compliance Review Services. Through our Pre-Importation Planning and Review Service, we are able to help clients plan future importations and better assess the related customs duties. Our services include determining the appropriate valuation and classification of importations, requirements to ensure the fast release of the imported goods from the Bureau of Customs, handling assessments and disputes with the BOC, securing the necessary permits, clearances, and licenses related to imports and exports.

We assist in preparing an employee’s or an expatriate’s Philippine Tax Returns and other reporting requirements for submission to regulatory agencies.

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