BIR Issuances – RMC 25-2024
The BIR amended the Pertinent Provisions of Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 16-2024 Extending the Deadline of Submission of Alphabetical List of Employees/Payees from Whom Taxes Were Withheld for the Taxable Year 2023.
Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 25-2024
13 February 2024
Those taxpayers with their own extract program shall strictly observe the attached revised file structures and standard naming convention (Annexes “A” and “B”).
Moreover, in order to provide all concerned taxpayers sufficient time to submit the alphalist for the taxable year 2023, the deadline of submission thereof shall be THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF POSTING OF A TAX ADVISORY ON THE BIR WEBSITE announcing the availability of the updated version of the Alphalist Data Entry and Validation Module.
In cases where alphalists were submitted using the old version of the said data entry module, the concerned taxpayers shall re-submit the same using the updated version of the module upon its availability thereof.
Copy of the RMC, Annex “A”, and Annex “B” can be accessed below.
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